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 Our Chapter History

The Beta Beta Pi Chapter was chartered on March 15, 2006 on the campus of State University of New York at Oneonta. Seven sophisticated gentlemen sought out an organization that embodied true brotherhood, high academic achievement, and service to the campus and surrounding communities. Since then our chapter has achieved many successes, including Sleep out for the Homeless, Project S.H.A.P.E. (Sigmas Helping Active People Exercise), Trick or Treat for can goods, Sigma-Tucking and unity events with other campus organizations. As our fraternity moves toward our 100th year anniversary, the Beta Beta Pi Chapter will continue to recognize and strive toward the ideals that our fraternity exemplify through Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service. The Beta Beta Pi Chapter incorporates true brotherhood to its core. We are always promoting and defining our motto "Culture for Service, and Service for Humanity."​ ​​


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